Commands and Hotkeys

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Revision as of 17:39, 20 July 2021 by Enguzrad (talk | contribs) (Finishing up hotkeys.)
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F1 Equip previous weapon Ctrl + F1 Help
F2 Equip bound weapon/shield/spell Ctrl + F2 Bind weapon/shield/spell to F2
F3 Equip bound weapon/shield/spell Ctrl + F3 Bind weapon/shield/spell to F3
F4 Cast previously used spell Ctrl + 1..0 Open magic list on a specific page
F5 Character info Ctrl + R Always Run mode
F6 Inventory Ctrl + T Whisper Chat mode to player under your mouse cursor
F7 Magic List Ctrl + P Ask for party invite (click on players name on chat screen or player themself)
F8 Skills Ctrl + A Auto Attack mode
F9 Chat History Ctrl + S Music and Sounds
F10 Guild info Ctrl + D Detail Level (Low/medium/high)
F11 Dialog Box Transparency Ctrl + H Freya (unfinished help menu)
F12 Main Menu Ctrl + N Target Neutral and Ally mode
1 | Insert Drink Health Potion Ctrl + M Minimap
2 | Delete Drink Mana Potion Numpad - Minimap Zoom out
3 Drink Stamina Potion Numpad + Minimap Zoom in
4 | Home Safe Attack mode Ctrl + Mouse Attack any target
Tab Switch between Attack mode and Peace mode Shift + Mouse Run / Display item info (hover mouse over item on ground)
Page Up Use item's special ability Alt + Mouse Super attack
End Repeat last entered chat message Ctrl + Shift + Mouse Dash attack
Esc Cancel cast spell
  • Drink potion hotkeys use big potion if available, otherwise they will use small one.
  • Safe mode prevents you from hurting your allies with area of effect spells.
  • In Peace mode your character bows instead of attacking.
  • Auto Attack mode allows attacking enemy players, who are high enough level to give you EK, without holding Ctrl.
  • Target Neutral and Ally mode allows attacking without holding Ctrl:
    • neutral monsters
    • allied monsters/NPCs/players
    • enemy players of too low level
    • environment (rocks for mining etc.)


To send message in certain channel, start it with appropriate character (e.g. type ! and then your message to send it to Global chat channel).
Default chat is local.

/who Online players and city balance ! Global chat
/showdps 1 Shows damage made in 1 second ~ Ally chat
/showkps Shows kills per second ^ | @ Guild chat
/joinparty <name> Joins a party with the players whos name you type (player must be in peace mode) $ Party chat
/checkrep Shows your Reputation. /to <player> Sets whisper mode to specified player (double click on player name in chat also works)
/rep+ Increase someone's reputation by 1. /tooff <player> Ignore messages from specified player
/rep- Decrease someone's reputation by 1. /tgt <player> Orders your summons to attack the player
/save Saves your character without logging out. /hold Holds your summons
/setpf Set your profile. Do not put your ID and PW inside here. /free Frees your summons